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Author: Paul Lefebvre

Doing Progress Right

The ProgressBar control and loops go hand-in-hand. If there is a ProgressBar on a Window, you can bet a For loop is close by. But there are right and wrong ways to do this, and most of the time I see progress code, I see the wrong way.

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Non-Visible Characters in Strings

As a follow-up to our post on Escaping Quotes in Strings, someone asked how they might deal with something such as the tab character in a String. Unlike with a quote, dealing with a non-visual character (such as a tab or end-of-line) in a String is trickier because you can’t actually type those characters. So instead you have to refer to the character another way.

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DatabaseRow Changes

As part of API 2.0, the DatabaseRow class was introduced alongside RowSet and DatabaseColumn. These three classes replace DatabaseRecord, RecordSet and DatabaseField respectively.

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