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Author: Ricardo Cruz

New Web SDK Examples in 2022r4

There are situations where the included controls and widgets aren’t enough. Maybe the specs of the project require the use of one or more of specific JavaScript libraries, or you just need some code to be executed in the browser. The Web SDK can help, giving you the opportunity to build anything. In 2022r4 we are adding more examples, to help you start building your custom controls.

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Xojo 2022r3 Includes 60 Fixes for Xojo Web

While we do our best to write software that “just works”, bugs happen. Xojo 2022r3 includes 60 bug fixes just for the Web Framework. Twenty-six of them were fixed during the Bug Bash event. Eight Feature Requests were also included in Xojo Web 2022r3. We’ve been very careful and tried to pick those on the border line between being a bug or a feature.

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