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Category: Community

Posts about the Xojo Community, events and activities.

GUEST POST: Testing a Windows Service Application with Xojo

When working with Windows services you’ll want to debug the application while it’s running as a service. To do this, you can Select Run Paused from the project menu, then create the windows service and start it. Now you’re debugging your app while it runs in service mode.

All of this takes time, and having to create/start the service each time slows down debugging considerably.

I have written a little utility that allows me to right click on the debug executable and automate the service creation and startup. You can download this utility from The source for the Xojo project is included. The utility accepts the executable path as its argument, creates a service “_test” and starts the service.

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Go Team!

In the past, our user database has not been great for teams. Now, having your own Xojo account is really important. You need your Xojo ID to activate your licenses in the Xojo IDE and to access the Xojo Forum. Feedback requires your Xojo ID to create bug reports and feature requests.

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Making A Difference With Xojo

We hear from our users regularly about the success they have with Xojo. They tell us about how much their users love the software they have created with Xojo and how it has helped, in some cases, to change lives. There are Alzheimer’s patients holding on to memories longer. There are police detectives tracking down Internet predators to help keep children safe. There are scientists who are able to study DNA faster than ever before. Xojo has enabled these users to create software that helps improve the human condition. There is nothing more gratifying for us to know that we played a part in that.

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