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Category: Fun

Over 20 years of native, cross-platform app development and still going strong

The recent news about Microsoft discontinuing Visual Studio’s support for Mac has got us talking about longevity in the field of software development. We all know technology changes rapidly and you, and the tools you use, can’t afford to stand still. Here’s an infographic that illustrates how Xojo’s been continually updating and modernizing since 1996 while other development tools come and go.

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Xojo and Apple Vision Pro

Apple has released the developer documentation for Vision Pro, their recently announced mixed reality headset. So far, it looks promising that iOS apps written in Xojo will just work. Of course, we don’t yet have one of these to use for testing. If we did, we’d be too busy playing with it to write this blog post, however we have tried running some Xojo iOS projects in the Vision Pro Simulator and they work without modification so that’s a very good sign.

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Matrix Math

A feature in some other languages you may have seen is something called matrix math. These are operations you can perform on matrices, which are 2-dimensional arrays. Xojo does not have any matrix math functions built in, but using the Extends command you can add your own.

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London is always a good idea.

There is no shortage of things to see, do, eat, drink and experience in London. There is something to appease every interest – from history to food, fashion, music, the arts and everything in between. Having so much extracurricular options makes London the ideal city to host the Xojo Developer Conference.

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A Meetup of Xojo Developers in London

Last week while traveling in London I hosted a Xojo meetup. This was a social event where local developers could meet, share ideas, ask questions and get to know each other. Fresh off the excitement from Nashville’s Xojo Developer Retreat in September, many of us who attended that were excited we got to see each other twice in such a short timeframe. We got a lot of great feedback, the most popular being that there is a lot of enthusiasm to finally host a London Xojo Developer Conference.

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Using Emojis in Xojo

Xojo has very good graphics support. You can drop images into your project and use them with several controls. You can use the various Paint events to draw your own graphics. And there’s another source of graphics you may not have considered: emojis. Emojis can be used anywhere that text can be used because they are simply Unicode characters. That means they can be used in textfields, buttons, labels, popup menus, listboxes and more.

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Xojo Developer Retreat: So much more than a conference

I am so excited to be planning the Xojo Developer Retreat coming up in Nashville in September. We decided to call it a retreat to signify that we are emphasizing the part that attendees over the years has told us was the best and most beneficial part of XDC, the time spent with other users – networking, troubleshooting and building relationships. If you want to meet the Xojo Team and community members, attend some great sessions, network, collaborate, have fun and enjoy Nashville, please join us at the Xojo Developer Retreat.

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Conway’s Game of Life

The Game of Life, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. You’ve probably seen this around in some form or another, but I ran across it again recently and thought it would be fun to implement in Xojo.

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