With the newly released M1 Macs, there have been lots of questions about being able to run other operating systems on it, particularly from developers that are used to running Window or Linux in Virtual Machines using virtualization on their Intel Macs.
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A Worker provides a way for you to have code that runs on multiple CPU cores. A Worker achieves this by running its code in a Console app. One or more of these console apps are started based on your Worker settings. Since these run as Console apps, the OS treats them as separate processes and spreads them out amongst available CPU cores.
Comments closedXojo 2020 Release 2 includes API 2.0 for iOS which has many, many changes and new features. Features include MobileMoviePlayer, MobileMapViewer, iOS Notifications …
Comments closedLet’s talk about the new properties and methods added to the Graphics class that will make all your Paint drawings more flexible and powerful! The enhancements include: LineDash, LineCap, LineJoin, the new Brush property with LinearGradientBrush, RadialGradientBrush, ShadowBrush and PictureBrush, and the new PictureBrush class.
Comments closedAdd the new native DateTimePicker control to your Window Layouts to get the same look, feel and behavior you’d expect from the OS itself.
Comments closedWith Xojo 2020r2 you can now add to your Window Layouts a native Search control for your desktop apps, getting the same look and feel and behavior you’d expect from the OS itself.
Comments closedHere’s the configuration document for getting puTTY to connect to the Xojo Cloud database. You might want to note that while Windows 10 now includes a SSH client it doesn’t support SSH tunnels very well due to always executing a connection command.
Comments closedXojo has built in database classes for accessing SQLite, Postgres, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle & ODBC. API 2.0 sets the bind types for you and that means you can switch engines by just changing the Super of your database class and updating the connection settings.
Comments closedSometimes we need to deal with temporary FolderItem instances, and in those cases it would be great to not have to care about when they get out of scope in order to delete them. Wouldn’t it be great to automate that task? Continue reading and you’ll see how easy it is to implement this!
Comments closedRecently I needed to update an old Web project that used a Microsoft SQL Server Database as its data source. This application is running as a service on a Windows machine and is for internal use only. I decided when updating the project, I would also update to API 2.0 database commands using Xojo 2019 R3.2 and I would like to share some of those code changes with you.
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