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Category: Networking

WWDC 2024 for Xojo Users

Last week, Xojo MVP Gavin Smith attended the WWDC 2024 event in Cupertino. He found the event uplifting and exciting, and I was able to talk with many people and share perspectives with them. Learn More.

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Effortless HTTP Requests in Xojo: Using Curl in Xojo with URLConnection

If you’re familiar with the command-line tool curl, you may wonder how to use curl in Xojo effectively. Curl is a powerful tool for making HTTP requests, but it’s not always the most convenient for working within a graphical application like Xojo. That’s where Xojo’s URLConnection class shines! It provides a simple and elegant way to make HTTP requests directly from your Xojo code, making it easy to use curl in Xojo. In this article, you will learn how to adapt common curl commands to Xojo’s URLConnection. Let’s get started.

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Only 48 Days Until Monkeybread Software’s Xojo Conference

Monkeybread Software and Christian Schmitz have organized an exceptional event in Germany in just 2 months. Take this opportunity to meet and network with members of the global Xojo Community. Meet Geoff Perlman, Xojo’s Founder & CEO and Xojo Engineers, Javier Menendez and Ricardo Cruz.

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Monthly Webinars Expand Your Xojo Programming Skills

At Xojo we continually look to improve our skills and we are happy to be offering opportunities for everyone in the Xojo community to upgrade their skills too. At least once a month we are hosting new webinars. Webinars cover a variety of valuable topics, including getting started with Xojo, developing web apps, iOS development tips and the basics of using our newest platform, Android.

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No, we don’t have plans for a XDC 2024

If recent years have informed anything in my life, it is that life is short and also that life is always changing. So it is with enthusiasm I am coming to London for XDC next month. As you probably recall, we had been trying to host an Xojo Developer Conference in London for years but the COVID 19 pandemic had other ideas. But after a successful XDC in Nashville, Tennessee in 2022, we felt the climate was right and we collected data saying the demand was high. We felt this despite reading again and again about the decline in in-person and virtual event attendance. Now, please don’t worry the Xojo Developer Conference in London is going to be an excellent event.

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London is always a good idea.

There is no shortage of things to see, do, eat, drink and experience in London. There is something to appease every interest – from history to food, fashion, music, the arts and everything in between. Having so much extracurricular options makes London the ideal city to host the Xojo Developer Conference.

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2022: Welcome Back!?

Does anyone else feel like 2022 is the first year in many years where we have gotten back together, in-person, for big events, small get-togethers, travel and even the daily office grind? Whether that is the right thing to have done or not, it seems that is what many of us did in 2022. Though we all tried new things to stay connected over the past few years (Zoom-fatigue anyone?), there’s nothing like seeing an old friend after years apart.

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A Meetup of Xojo Developers in London

Last week while traveling in London I hosted a Xojo meetup. This was a social event where local developers could meet, share ideas, ask questions and get to know each other. Fresh off the excitement from Nashville’s Xojo Developer Retreat in September, many of us who attended that were excited we got to see each other twice in such a short timeframe. We got a lot of great feedback, the most popular being that there is a lot of enthusiasm to finally host a London Xojo Developer Conference.

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