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Category: Technology

Casting about in both 32 and 64 bit worlds

Consider the following code:

dim i64 as Int64 = 1234567
dim i32 as int32 = 7654321

i32 = Int32(i64) // cast
i64 = Int64(i32) // cast

i32 = Ctype(i64, Int32) // convert
i64 = Ctype(i32, Int64) // convert

It all seems reasonable enough. Not useful, but seems reasonable. Only one problem. It won’t compile. Why not? The two casts to int32 and int64 will fail. Now why is that?

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Private/Public Key Interoperability

If you do any work with private/public key cryptography, the addition of the Crypto library last year made it finally possible to create and verify digital signatures as well as encrypt and decrypt data. Using keys with other systems requires a little more work to convert them to and from the PEM format.

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What is Raspberry Pi?

The announcement at XDC 2015 of upcoming Xojo support for Raspberry Pi was greeted with enthusiastic applause. But after the keynote, I had several people come up to me and admit that they did not know what this Raspberry Pi is, so I thought I’d take a moment to give some background.


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Preparing for a 64-bit World

Xojo already creates 64-bit apps for iOS. Soon, it will also create 64-bit apps for other platforms. I, for one, welcome our new 64-bit Overlords. After all, they’ll be bringing you increased performance and increased memory! Even better, there is not much you’ll have to do to create 64-bit versions of your existing Xojo apps.

UPDATE October 2015: Xojo Builds 64-bit Apps Now

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The New Xojo Framework: Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes

In the ideal world when you do something, you do it right the first time. In the real world, we learn more each day and what seemed right yesterday, a month ago or a few years ago, may no longer be right today. Xojo has been around for a long time now and in all that time we have learned a thing or two. One of the things we have learned is how to deal with errors.

Bowie_Changes.pngCh-ch-ch-changes (turn and face the strain) – David Bowie

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Einstein’s Special Relativity and Software Projects

In 1905, Albert Einstein published a paper revealing his theory of Special Relativity to the world. The theory says that not only do mass and energy have an equivalence (an idea that was not new) but that they have a specific equivalence expressed in the equation E=mc2. That equation basically says that the faster you go, the more energy you need to continue to accelerate. The unfortunate consequence of this is that you can’t reach the speed of light because at that point, your mass would be infinite which is of course, impossible.


It occurred to me recently that this concept applies to more than just the cost of going acceleration. For example, the larger a company gets in terms of just about any way a company is measured (revenue, profit, employees, customers, etc.), the harder it is to continue growing at that same rate. It isn’t that big companies don’t grow, they of course do, but they don’t grow a lot compared to smaller companies. It’s not difficult to grow from $100,000 to $1 million in sales compared to growing from $1 million to $100 million.

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HP Stream 7 and Xojo

Lately we’ve been talking a lot about our newly added iOS support for Xojo. Considering the popularity of iOS devices, it is understandable why we would be so excited. But iOS devices are not inexpensive.

On a lark, I purchased an HP Stream 7 (Signature Edition, which means no extra “bloatware” was installed) last week from the Microsoft Store. It was on sale for just $80! So what is an HP Stream 7 and how does it relate to Xojo?

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One feature that was added in Xojo 2014r3 that I haven’t seen much discussion about yet is iterators. In short, iterators are a way to make classes useable with the existing For Each loop feature.

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An update on 64 bit…

With 2014r3 shipped, it’s a good time to give a quick update about where we’re at with 64 bit support. I’ll walk through the key pieces involved in this effort and give some updates.

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How Vulnerable Is Google?

Google is by far the most popular search engine in the world with 71% of the market. While Google does many things, they make over 90% of their revenue from ads. In terms of revenue, that means that Google is a one-trick pony. If users switched en mass to another search engine, could Google’s ad revenue quickly dry up?

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