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Tag: Apple

iPad Apps and ITMS-90474 Error

Starting with iOS 9, some iPads now support app multitasking which allows you to use more than one app at a time on the device. These apps can be displayed side-by-side or with an overlay. Your Xojo iOS apps support this feature automatically when all the Supported Orientations for the iPadScreen are turned on for your app.

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If Smartphone Encryption Is A Red Herring, How Do We Track The Bad Guys?

In the blog post Smartphone Encryption is a Red Herring, I pointed out the folly of requiring an encryption back door for the Good Guys to use. So the question arises- “What can be done? If we don’t want a global encryption back door that can be used by anyone, can we still track the Bad Guys?”

The answer is yes. There are plenty of options that don’t require a global back door. I’m not passing judgment on whether these are inherently good or bad options, just that they are available when there is a reason to track a Bad Guy.

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