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Tag: Console

New Database Connections

While Xojo has always supported adding database connections, the old method was far from ideal. Let’s delve into the improved approach using the new DatabaseConnection project items and explore some recent additions to our database API.

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Use Multiple CPU Cores with Worker

A Worker provides a way for you to have code that runs on multiple CPU cores. A Worker achieves this by running its code in a Console app. One or more of these console apps are started based on your Worker settings. Since these run as Console apps, the OS treats them as separate processes and spreads them out amongst available CPU cores.

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PDF Arrives at Xojo!

Xojo 2020r1 brings a highly requested feature to the Xojo IDE: the ability to create PDF documents from code! Now you can use the already familiar methods in Xojo’s Graphics class to create Standard PDF 1.4 documents with the PDFDocument class.

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PDF File Generation? There is an API for that!

I’ve heard it several times: how can I export to PDF from Xojo? Sure, there are lots of answers pointing to a bunch of resources, including excellent plug-ins from third parties. But can you accomplish the same thing using an already available API? Yes, there is a remote API for that! The requirement is that your Xojo app will need to have access to Internet … and, of course, you’ll need to do just a bit of coding.

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Supporting Multiple Cores

With today’s multi-core CPU’s it seems that an application made with Xojo running on a single core is somewhat restricting. If you have a lot of data to process, large images to manipulate or other things that could happen in the background, it would seem that with a multi-core machine you could do this faster “if only Xojo would make threads preemptive”. We get a lot of requests for preemptive threads so that people can take advantage of multiple cores.

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Taking Your App From In-House to Commercial

Server Ranger started life as a small in-house Xojo console project that I used to monitor servers for several clients. Rather than getting paged (in the very early days) or getting angry phonecalls from clients, it was much more pleasant to have my app play an alert on my Mac and send me an email to notify me of a server issue. With this heads-up, it was often possible to have the issue resolved before a client even realised there had been an issue.

Like many in-house solutions, the demand on Server Ranger increased over time and it became a more vital part of my business.

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