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Tag: Graphics

Rotate that Picture!

Sometimes we need to rotate a Picture from portrait to landscape and vice versa. Since the introduction of the Graphics methods Translate and Rotate this is pretty simple to do! Continue reading and I will show you how to create a Method Extension for the Picture class that will be able to do that. This will work on Desktop and iOS projects by only copying and pasting the code, but you will need to make some changes to the example project for the Web version because of the need to convert Picture to WebPicture and back.

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Graphics: Right and Center Aligned Text

The DrawText method from the Graphics class offers a simple way to left-align text at the given X and Y coordinates, even applying a wrap value to wrap every line of the text block at the provided width value. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to do the same thing while aligning blocks of text to the right and center? Continue reading and I will show you a technique you can use as the starting point which you can fine-tune to your specific needs.

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New Graphics Enhancements in Xojo

Let’s talk about the new properties and methods added to the Graphics class that will make all your Paint drawings more flexible and powerful! The enhancements include: LineDash, LineCap, LineJoin, the new Brush property with LinearGradientBrush, RadialGradientBrush, ShadowBrush and PictureBrush, and the new PictureBrush class.

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