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Tag: Mobile

Deploy iOS apps to your devices without an Apple Developer Membership

With the release of Xcode 7, Apple combined the iOS and Mac Developer programs into a single Developer Program. Previously these programs were $99/year for each and now they are $99/year for the combined Apple Developer Program which lets you create and deploy apps for iOS and OS X.

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Don’t Give Mobile the Cold Shoulder

A recent article on Computer Business Review asks “Why are developers giving mobile the cold shoulder?” The article cites the State of Mobility 2015 Global Developer Study by Progress (they do not provide a link to the study).

Perhaps the reason is because mobile developers have not yet tried to see how quickly you can create mobile iOS apps with Xojo?

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Computers For Cross-Platform Development

Since we make a popular cross-platform development tool, I’m often asked “what type of computer should I get for cross-platform development”?

You might think that can be a tricky question to answer because they are so many different types of computers. But there is only one computer that can run the three major operating systems without violating a EULA: a Mac.

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Gartner: Mobile apps can’t be created fast enough. What’s the solution?

Speaking at one of their conferences, Gartner principal research analyst Adrian Leow said last week that enterprises are increasingly finding it difficult to build all the mobile apps they need. The demand for mobile apps is increasing far faster than the supply of mobile developers can create them and it’s only going to get worse. This is clearly a problem.

There are three possible solutions to this problem:

  1. Find a way to decrease the demand of mobile apps. (Good luck with that one.)
  2. Increase the number of mobile developers.
  3. Decrease the time it takes to build mobile apps.

Solutions 2 and 3 are not mutually exclusive. You could potentially do both. Adrian Leow even points to the solution when he suggests that developers use rapid mobile app development tools. These tools can provide solution 3, but they don’t create necessarily create more developers.

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iOS Declares from the Xojo Community

Our user community has been busy enhancing the capabilities of Xojo for iOS with Declares!

We have been quite pleased with the feedback we’ve received about Xojo iOS, but we are commonly asked when Xojo will support a specific iOS feature that it does not yet have. We will be adding new iOS features with each release, but you may not have to wait for us to add a feature. With a bit of knowledge about CocoaTouch and the use of the Declare command in Xojo, there are many things you can take advantage of today.

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