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Tag: Mobile

Resources for Xojo Android Projects

Now that Xojo can build apps for Android, let’s help you get started on your first Xojo Android project! Whether you’re already developing mobile apps or new to mobile development, getting started with Xojo is quick and easy. Xojo offers many resources for getting started with Xojo Android.

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iOS: KeyDown Arrives to MobileCanvas

As a direct result of user feedback, starting with Xojo 2023r2, the MobileCanvas control on iOS can now receive KeyDown events from the user, both from the on-device keyboard and any connected keyboard. In addition, this support is available in MobileTextArea, MobileTextField and MobileScreen.

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Android Declares

Using and writing declares for Android is very similar to other platforms. The syntax is mostly the same, but we’ve made some additions to make Declares that change Controls easier. Let’s walk through a couple of easy-to-understand Declares to show you how they’re made.

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Xojo iOS Is Now Xojo Mobile

Today’s release of Xojo 2023r2 introduces support for the Android platform! With this release, Xojo iOS licenses are now Xojo Mobile licenses. Any current (not expired) Xojo Mobile license (formerly Xojo iOS licenses) can build for both iOS and Android using Xojo 2023r2. As always, Xojo Pro and Pro Plus licenses include support for all platforms and current Xojo Pro and Pro Plus licenses can build for Android using Xojo 2023r2. The addition of Android support does not change the price of Xojo Mobile, Xojo Pro or Xojo Pro Plus licenses.

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