Many people around the world are celebrating the holidays by giving gifts, which means more and more people are organizing Secret Santa events. In November of 2018, Jérémie Leroy had the idea of making a Secret Santa iOS app. 3 years, 32 languages and 6.5 millions downloads later, Jérémie incorporated Xojo Web to improve his highly successful Xojo iOS app. Secret Santa is a prime example of what is possible and how you can leverage your Xojo skills to expand to other platforms when you need to.
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Web Switch controls, you like them or you hate them. The functionality of a Switch control is so similar to a checkbox that we are going to actually “hack” one of them to make a super simple web switch control.
Comments closedI was having some fun with badges, trying to recreate a design. I’ve ended up writing a few extension methods to use them on almost any WebUIControl.
Comments closedWhile we do our best to write software that “just works”, bugs happen. Xojo 2022r3 includes 60 bug fixes just for the Web Framework. Twenty-six of them were fixed during the Bug Bash event. Eight Feature Requests were also included in Xojo Web 2022r3. We’ve been very careful and tried to pick those on the border line between being a bug or a feature.
Comments closedXojo has very good graphics support. You can drop images into your project and use them with several controls. You can use the various Paint events to draw your own graphics. And there’s another source of graphics you may not have considered: emojis. Emojis can be used anywhere that text can be used because they are simply Unicode characters. That means they can be used in textfields, buttons, labels, popup menus, listboxes and more.
Comments closedHow to download and preview PDFs in Xojo Web apps may be one of the most asked questions involving PDFDocument (font handling is a close second) I get. If you are interested in finding the best, and simplest, way to do this, continue reading.
Comments closedEvery few weeks my son Lucas gets together with his friends for board game day. Last week’s game was Twilight Imperium. One part of the game includes rolling a 10-sided die to calculate whether one of your ships successfully registers a hit on your opponent. Apparently this is something that can take a while to do as each player amasses more and more ships. This was ripe for automation!
Comments closedAs a Xojo web developer probably you’re used to embedding controls inside others, like Rectangles
or Containers
; but I bet sometimes you don’t get the expected results. Read on to learn a quick fix that uses an extended method to correct a common problem you might run into when embedding menus.
There is something that is even better than using Cell Renderers from third parties- building them yourself. In this second part, you will learn how…
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