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Author: Javier Menendez

PDFDocument: Reports With Full Vectorial Quality

Back in 2020 when PDFDocument was first introduced in Xojo, we had to make a compromise in order to render the output created via Xojo’s integrated Report Editor. That was far from ideal, but we needed to first meet some other requirements in order to get the full vectorial quality you expect in both PDFs as well as in rendering reports.

With Xojo 2022r1 I am happy to say we have achieved that goal! The best part is that you don’t need to do anything to take advantage of the update. Keep your code as it is now and, the next time you output your report into a PDF document you’ll get the full vectorial quality you expect!

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TTC to TTF File Converter

TTC files are TrueType Collection files that contain the data needed to represent multiple font styles and font weights; this is a collection. On the other hand, TTF files are TrueType Font files, that contains the data required to work with only one font style or one font weight (for example: Regular, Bold or Light).

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Simplified: Adding User Interface Controls at Runtime

The process of adding new controls to windows (or containers) at runtime has been greatly simplified. Instead of having to deal with control arrays, when you use Xojo 2021r3 or later you can call the new AddControl method on the DesktopWindow (or DesktopContainer) where you want to add the new control. Continue reading and I will show you how!

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Web Tip: Let’s Overflow!

As a Xojo web developer probably you’re used to embedding controls inside others, like Rectangles or Containers; but I bet sometimes you don’t get the expected results. Read on to learn a quick fix that uses an extended method to correct a common problem you might run into when embedding menus.

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