Xojo 2013 Release 4.1 added a variety of RSA encryption functions for handling public/private key encryption. Here’s how you use them.
Comments closedAuthor: Paul Lefebvre
Microsoft is ending Windows XP support in April. Here are some suggestions to help you switch to a newer version of Windows.
Comments closedA recent forum conversation asked for tips on how you might create a preference file. Here are some suggestions.
4 CommentsAs we posted in September of last year, Microsoft announced that Windows XP, which was released 12 years ago, will no longer be supported after April 8, 2014. Our information tells us that only 3% of Xojo users are using Xojo on Windows XP. Supporting XP is limiting our ability to move Xojo forward on the Windows platform. Therefore, starting with Xojo 2014r1, we will no longer support Windows XP for the IDE itself.
Comments closedDid you know that Xojo can call code written in .NET? Here’s how to do it!
Comments closedI am often asked when it makes sense to use Commit with your database code. The answer is always “it depends”. To go into more detail, let’s talk a bit about transactions.
Comments closedOver 18 million people participated in the Hour of Code last week! Did you?
Comments closedDid you know that you can use the IDE Scripting feature of Xojo to automate many tasks?
Comments closedBuild Automation is a feature of Xojo that allows you to automatically run “steps” before and after you build your project. Are you taking advantage of this useful feature?
Comments closedHere’s something teachers can do in an hour: create a web app that lets their students practice their math facts.
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