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Author: Paul Lefebvre

Conway’s Game of Life

The Game of Life, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. You’ve probably seen this around in some form or another, but I ran across it again recently and thought it would be fun to implement in Xojo.

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CatsUp! 2022

With just a few lines of code, you can create a Xojo app for iOS and Android that shows a new cat picture each time you launch it. I call this app “CatsUp!”. It’s a play on ketchup/catsup, get it?

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A Web App to Calculate Combat Rolls in Twilight Imperium

Every few weeks my son Lucas gets together with his friends for board game day. Last week’s game was Twilight Imperium. One part of the game includes rolling a 10-sided die to calculate whether one of your ships successfully registers a hit on your opponent. Apparently this is something that can take a while to do as each player amasses more and more ships. This was ripe for automation!

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Getting the Operating System Version Information

It is useful to know the version of the operating system your app is running on. You might use this information to access a feature that is only available on certain OS versions or perhaps you want to include it in logging data to help troubleshoot. Regardless, you can fetch this information from the System.VersionData class.

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