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Category: Community

Posts about the Xojo Community, events and activities.

A Meetup of Xojo Developers in London

Last week while traveling in London I hosted a Xojo meetup. This was a social event where local developers could meet, share ideas, ask questions and get to know each other. Fresh off the excitement from Nashville’s Xojo Developer Retreat in September, many of us who attended that were excited we got to see each other twice in such a short timeframe. We got a lot of great feedback, the most popular being that there is a lot of enthusiasm to finally host a London Xojo Developer Conference.

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Xojo Github Actions

Would you like to automate the build processes of Xojo built applications with GitHub Actions? With no user interaction the whole process can be performed:…

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Xojo 2022r3 Includes 60 Fixes for Xojo Web

While we do our best to write software that “just works”, bugs happen. Xojo 2022r3 includes 60 bug fixes just for the Web Framework. Twenty-six of them were fixed during the Bug Bash event. Eight Feature Requests were also included in Xojo Web 2022r3. We’ve been very careful and tried to pick those on the border line between being a bug or a feature.

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Xojo Developer Retreat Recap

In September we hosted The Xojo Developer Retreat in Nashville and it was a huge success! From exciting educational sessions, to an exploration of the Xojo product roadmap, to informative presentations from Xojo Engineers about how Xojo is made and the Xojo framework, there was a lot to take in! If you missed any of the announcements that were shared, you can watch Founder and CEO Geoff Perlman’s Conference Keynote free on YouTube. The rest of the session videos are available for purchase here.

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How did I not know this?

Xojo MVP Anthony Cyphers has been using Xojo for nearly 20 years and is currently building a User Interface framework for a project he is working on. This project needs to have the ability to tweak colors as needed and have those changes applied across every element of that framework. Read on Anthony’s blog about the way he solved this problem.

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Bug Bash Results

Our Engineering team primarily focused on a Bug Bash during the month of August with the goal of addressing issues that did not meet our typical criteria. Unlike previous Bug Bashes, we invited users to nominate up to ten cases they would like to see addressed. During the month 100 issues were fixed! Of those – 50% were created in the past 90 days, and 10% were created more than one year ago.

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Xojo and NetSuite

Tim has found that many NetSuite users want to create custom applications that interact with their data in NetSuite and Xojo is truly ideal for this. Some NetSuite users contract this work out to developers like Tim while others are interested in creating apps themselves. During the webinar, Tim and I demonstrated Xojo to NetSuite users while also demonstrating NetSuite to Xojo users who may be interested in incorporating it into their organizations or providing development services to NetSuite users.

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