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Category: iOS

Posts related to iOS development.

Preparing for a 64-bit World

Xojo already creates 64-bit apps for iOS. Soon, it will also create 64-bit apps for other platforms. I, for one, welcome our new 64-bit Overlords. After all, they’ll be bringing you increased performance and increased memory! Even better, there is not much you’ll have to do to create 64-bit versions of your existing Xojo apps.

UPDATE October 2015: Xojo Builds 64-bit Apps Now

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iOS Declares from the Xojo Community

Our user community has been busy enhancing the capabilities of Xojo for iOS with Declares!

We have been quite pleased with the feedback we’ve received about Xojo iOS, but we are commonly asked when Xojo will support a specific iOS feature that it does not yet have. We will be adding new iOS features with each release, but you may not have to wait for us to add a feature. With a bit of knowledge about CocoaTouch and the use of the Declare command in Xojo, there are many things you can take advantage of today.

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Deploying iOS Apps Inside Your Company

While the iOS App Store is a great solution for commercial software, not all iOS apps are for public use. If you are building an app just for use inside your company, you won’t want to go through Apple’s app review process (which can take weeks) nor make your app available to the general public. How do you quickly and easily deploy an iOS app just for use by others in your organization?

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Xojo iOS Examples

Need some inspiration or some helpful code to get your first Xojo iOS app started? Take a look at a sampling of the iOS example apps that are included in Xojo iOS!

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Xojo 2014r3 Introduces Xojo iOS and Simple, Annual Pricing

When it comes to software licensing and pricing, the goal is to provide just the right amount of flexibility without making things too complex. It’s difficult, however, to do this without some trial and error which means we occasionally make changes.

With Xojo 2014r3 we are introducing simple, annual pricing for all Xojo licenses:

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