One of the PDFDocument features added in Xojo 2022r2 is the ability to encrypt PDF files created with Xojo. Continue reading and I will show you how.
Comments closedCategory: Cross-Platform
Starting in Xojo 2022r2 you have the option to generate Program Database (PDB) files with your 64-bit Windows builds. If you’re unfamiliar with what PDB…
Comments closedThe annotations feature on PDFDocument has been significantly extended in the release of Xojo 2022r2. Continue reading to learn about the new annotation types. Currently,…
Comments closedFor many years we have conducted an annual user survey to get feedback on many things – from features you would like to see on the Roadmap, to whether or not you contact Xojo’s support team, to overall satisfaction and more. All of the feedback is important and used to create internal action items.
Comments closedI’ve learned over the years not to have any specific expectations from Apple’s WWDC keynote. Some years they introduce something big and new that we were pretty much expecting. Other years they blindside us. As the CEO of a company that creates tools for building apps for most of Apple’s ecosystem and given Apple’s history of secrecy, I’m understandably curious just how blindsided I might be each June. Fortunately, this year’s keynote was filled with features that ranged from mildly interesting to really awesome but all incremental improvements across Apple’s software line.
Comments closedWhen we create a PDF document is impossible (in most of the cases) to anticipate how many pages it will have. And yet, that is something that we are going to need if, for example, we want to add a footer reflecting the current page number over the total of pages in the document. The solution is using the PageCount and CurrentPage properties in the PDFDocument class.
Comments closedWe love hearing from Xojo users when they want to share what they’re working on! One project that was just shared with me was from Tim Dietrich, a Xojo user who has spoken at our user conferences. Late last year Tim shared that he was working on a project that could get Xojo in front of a new audience. Yesterday he released SuiteTransmit. About the project and development process, Tim commented: I was impressed by how easy Xojo made it to get the app working on both platforms.
Comments closedHow to download and preview PDFs in Xojo Web apps may be one of the most asked questions involving PDFDocument (font handling is a close second) I get. If you are interested in finding the best, and simplest, way to do this, continue reading.
Comments closedI know, I know, it’s not the usual thing to do when making presentations, but did you know that it is possible to create presentations using Xojo’s and PDF? If you’re interested in this little experiment, read on and I’ll show you how to do it using Xojo’s PDFDocument.
Comments closedThe DrawText method from the Graphics class offers a simple way to left-align text at the given X and Y coordinates, even applying a wrap value to wrap every line of the text block at the provided width value. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to do the same thing while aligning blocks of text to the right and center? Continue reading and I will show you a technique you can use as the starting point which you can fine-tune to your specific needs.
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