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Category: Cross-Platform

Google Switches to Native on iOS

MacRumors reported that Google’s design chief for Apple platforms, Jeff Verkoeyen, announced that Google is switching from using a lot of custom controls in its iOS apps. this same device. You only get that if you use native user interface controls. That’s why Xojo has always provided native user interface controls, high-level access to native system functionality and compiled to native code.

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Updated Tutorial: Active Words

This post was originally published in 2018 and has been updated to use Xojo API 2.0.

Follow this tutorial to create active, aka clickable, words in the text of a TextArea control in your Xojo projects. Learn to use the Object-oriented Delegate design pattern to dynamically change how your app reacts when the user clicks on those active words. Best of all, this project is cross-platform, so you can use it for macOS, Windows and Linux!

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Update: ipify for Xojo

There are plenty of times when your Xojo apps might need to know the public or external IP address is, and there are a lot of web sites or services that you can use with Xojo to find that. I found ipify to be easy to use

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