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Category: Web

Posts related to web development.

Are you using the Web Control SDK?

In Xojo 2012r2 we released the Web Control SDK, making it easy for anyone to create custom web controls for use with the web framework. Prior to that, some of you created web controls using a method that was not officially supported. The purpose of the Web Control SDK is to provide a way to create controls that is supported and will continue to be supported in the future.

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At Long Last…Web Standalone SSL

A little over a year ago, we started adding the features that were needed to directly support SSL connections in standalone web apps. We ran into a few issues during beta testing which blocked our ability to release at that time and the feature was pulled.

A recent flurry of questions regarding this feature, and the addition of Travis Hill to the web framework team this fall, prompted us to look at this feature again. It turns out that the items which were blocking the release of this feature got fixed as a result of other bug fixes in the fall and we have been able to confirm that standalone SSL does in fact work! If you’re using Xojo 2013r3 or higher, you should be able to actually use them!

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Getting to Handle 50,000 Users, the US Government’s health insurance exchange website for states that didn’t provide their own, was supposed to handle about 50,000 to 60,000 simultaneous users. Unless you have been living under a rock, you know what a complete disaster the website as been. But it didn’t (and doesn’t) have to be that way.

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