In the Xojo IDE Scripts Menu there are some new shortcuts you may find helpful. The items in the IDE Scripts menu under File >…
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I recently had a folder full of jpg and png images that I wanted to reduce in size (the file sizes, not the image dimensions). There…
5 CommentsXojo is a great way to start making iOS apps. Whether you an app developer or you are just learning and want to make your own iOS apps, here are some reasons why you ought to look at Xojo.
Comments closedHaving problems controlling your projects and clients enough to enjoy your life and have fun developing software? If you can put a few systems in place, you will deliver better customer service, increase your productivity, and communicate better. Here are five tips to help you on your path of reigning in the chaos.
Comments closedWouldn’t it be nice to have a TextField with Autocomplete for Xojo Apps, like we are used to in the Xojo IDE? You know, you start to type…
4 CommentsOn the Xojo forum a user asked if there was a way to execute a formula in Xojo. As pointed out in the conversation, Xojo includes an Evaluator example that does exactly that. It uses XojoScript and I thought it might be interesting to show how it works.
3 CommentsLast year with iOS 9, Apple announced a new security requirement for your iOS and OS X apps: App Transport Security. From Apple’s docs: Starting in…
1 CommentIf you are using Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 you only have a few more days to get your free upgrade to Windows 10.…
Comments closedThe web framework got some love in Xojo 2016r2… General Changes First, the Web Framework now has support for Retina/HiDPI in supported browsers. All controls…
Comments closedAnyone who has built an app in Xojo has used the Listbox method AddRow to create new rows. The iOSTable control in Xojo also has an AddRow method. However, unlike building a desktop app, AddRow is not always appropriate for iOS apps.
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