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100 search results for "deploy"

Guest Blog Post: Iconographer from Ohanaware

Sam Rowlands has been developing Xojo apps since 1997. He and his wife, Joy Sha, make up Ohanaware and they have been building award winning apps since 2008, notably Funtastic Photos, HDRtist and Shine. Sam is an active Xojo developer and he also offers App Wrapper, which simplifies the process of preparing applications for submission to the Mac App Store and deploying on web sites, in the Xojo Third Party Store.

I’d like to introduce you to Ohanaware’s latest Made With Xojo application we’ve created for us Xojo developers. It’s called “Iconographer” and it is designed to simplify the process of creating stunning and platform-consistent icons for Mac, Windows & iOS.

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iOS Tutorial: Shorten that URL!

In this Xojo tutorial we will see how simple it is to make an iOS App that shortens an entered URL using the public API of We will use our own subclass inherited from Xojo.Net.HTTPSocket, and the Declare statement in order to use some functions and methods found on the native Cocoa Touch API. In fact, the use of Declare is mandatory because with the new Xojo Framewok we don’t yet have access to the EncodeURLComponent function available with the old framework. This one is a big help in substituting any ilegal character with his hexadecimal value for the final URL’s composition.

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Let Your OS X Desktop App React to Custom URIs

Have you ever wondered how the magic behind the “mailto://” or other similar Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) work? Whether from the web browser URL field or from Xojo via the ShowURL function, when URIs are executed the registered app opens showing the passed parameters (for example, in the Mail app for the ‘To’, ‘Subject’ and ‘Body’ fields).

Implementing this kind of behavior in your OS X apps is not rocket science! Follow these simple steps in order to register a custom URI from your app.

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Conditional Breakpoints

You can set breakpoints in your Xojo code that cause the debugger to appear when the line of code with the breakpoint is reached. This is incredibly handy to help understand and test your code.

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Guest Post: Using Gitflow for Team Development

Guest Post by Kem Tekinay, a consultant and developer based in New York. Kem has been an avid Xojo user since the early days and is a world-renowned thinker and philosopher, at least its his own mind. You can find him and his works through the MacTechnologies Consulting web site.

After months of work, your project is so fabulous that you need more developers. You’ve been using Git as your version control system and creating/merging branches to keep it all straight, but so far it’s just been for personal use. How do you coordinate with others to maintain some semblance of order?

Try the Gitflow Workflow.

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The Citizen Developer

I’m seeing more and more headlines about how citizen developers are helping create the apps that business need.

In particular, a recent article at ZDNet, “The advent of the citizen developer” talks about how non-programmers can help create the apps needed by an enterprise company:

So the business-side has long had to place their fate in the hands of those with the requisite skills but often with little sympathy for or first-hand knowledge of the business itself. Or they just ended-up acquiring pre-existing software that was a close enough fit, and then had it configured to their needs. Neither path has typically produced tech solutions that fit business needs very well, and ‘good enough’ has usually been the mantra of the day.

These articles explain how “citizen developers”, sometimes referred to as a business analysts (or maybe even power-users), are using rapid application development tools to create apps that helps the business solve a problem more quickly than going through a more formal and lengthy IT process.

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64-bit Apps Are Here!

Earlier this year, Xojo added the ability to create 64-bit iOS apps. And now with Xojo 2015 Release 3, you can create 64-bit apps for your Desktop, Web and Console apps.

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