If you build desktop apps for Windows and wish to start using the new XAML-based controls via the DesktopXAMLContainer but aren’t sure how to localize those controls, here’s the solution:
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In this first beta release of Android, there is some simple support for creating Android libraries and calling their methods from Xojo code. The Android libraries have to be written in Kotlin and compiled as AAR library files. Xojo code can call into the library using Declares.
Comments closedBootstrap continues to improve and as a result we have upgraded the Web framework to the latest version. For most Xojo users, this update won’t require any changes at all to your existing projects.
Comments closedUsing and writing declares for Android is very similar to other platforms. The syntax is mostly the same, but we’ve made some additions to make Declares that change Controls easier. Let’s walk through a couple of easy-to-understand Declares to show you how they’re made.
Comments closedComposing new controls using primitives is something you definitely want to explore. Let’s build a reusable vertical navigation, with animations, for your Xojo Web projects using the Atomic Design Methodology.
Comments closedStarting with Xojo 2023r1 you’ll find a new feature in Xojo’s Debugger panel that allows you to filter the objects and variables displayed, even between different project runs! This lets you stay focused on the more important objects and variables instead of scrolling through the list of all entries.
Comments closedXojo’s Code Editor now lets you move a line or a selection up or down or duplicate entire lines (or a selection). To swap lines, put the cursor on a line and press Option+Up Arrow (Mac) or Alt+Up Arrow (Win/Linux) to move the line up in the code. Press Down arrow to move down.
Comments closedA feature in some other languages you may have seen is something called matrix math. These are operations you can perform on matrices, which are 2-dimensional arrays. Xojo does not have any matrix math functions built in, but using the Extends command you can add your own.
Comments closedIn this blog post I’ll show how to add rate limiting to your web application. Rate limiting is used to frustrate abuse of your application by limiting access. The same technique can be used to limit access to your API server by recording the user’s ID instead of IP Address.
Comments closedThere are situations where the included controls and widgets aren’t enough. Maybe the specs of the project require the use of one or more of specific JavaScript libraries, or you just need some code to be executed in the browser. The Web SDK can help, giving you the opportunity to build anything. In 2022r4 we are adding more examples, to help you start building your custom controls.
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