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Tag: Games

Conway’s Game of Life

The Game of Life, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. You’ve probably seen this around in some form or another, but I ran across it again recently and thought it would be fun to implement in Xojo.

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A Web App to Calculate Combat Rolls in Twilight Imperium

Every few weeks my son Lucas gets together with his friends for board game day. Last week’s game was Twilight Imperium. One part of the game includes rolling a 10-sided die to calculate whether one of your ships successfully registers a hit on your opponent. Apparently this is something that can take a while to do as each player amasses more and more ships. This was ripe for automation!

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#JustCode Challenge Week 10 – NetTank

For the 10th week of the #JustCode Challenge I took a look at networking. For my project this week I’ve created a networked version of the Combat game, which has two tanks on the screen shooting at each other. The network version allows you to control one tank with the app running on your computer and someone else to control the other tank with the app running on their computer. I call it NetTank.

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#JustCode Challenge Week 6 – Bubble Popper

For this week’s app, I created a simple iOS app where you tap on “bubbles” to pop them. This was actually suggested to me by Dana Brown some time ago as something that would make a great diversion for her son. I have found it helpful with some of my younger nieces and nephews.

This iOS app demonstrates the use of a Canvas and the detection of taps. When all the bubbles have been popped, more are added. It never ends!

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Jump Right In! Just Code Challenge

I’m often asked by kids and adults how they can start coding and learn to make apps? You could start with the usual books or videos.

But maybe you want to jump right in. When I started programming that is exactly how I learned. I tried things to see what worked and what didn’t work. I also looked at and modified other programs I found.

You can learn to code if you just code.

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