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Tag: Rapid Application Development

Xojo Educational Licenses for Teachers

Educators can download Xojo to a classroom of computers and activate the Xojo Educational license on a build machine. Whether your classroom is Windows, Mac or Linux, the Xojo IDE is cross-platform and free to download. Though you may only be teaching desktop development, your students can stretch their skills and use Xojo’s free IDE to develop web, mobile or Raspberry Pi apps.

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A Gem in Xojo 2021r2

The ability to specify “White Space” for the trim functions was introduced and largely ignored apart from the release notes. Using Trim (or LTrim or RTrim) will remove spaces from the beginning, end or both of your string. The new function allows you to specify what you want to trim.

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Yes Facebook, you can be Native AND Cross-Platform

At Xojo we did the hard work of creating a framework with an API that manages the nuances, intricacies, and subtle yet important differences between 7 different platforms (macOS, Windows, Linux, web, Raspberry Pi, iOS and soon, Android) so you can focus on what makes your application unique. We have been doing it for over 20 years.

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10 Reasons Why You Should Try Xojo

With so many programming languages and development environments around … why you should try Xojo? I could tell you more than 400,000 reasons to just jump-in right away; reasons I’ve heard for over 10 years now from Xojo users around the world that are building all kind of apps, products and solutions in all kinds of fields. Nevertheless, if I really think about, all of these reasons can be condensed into the following 10 main points. Continue reading and I’m pretty sure you will want to give Xojo a try too!

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Guest Post: Achieving Success As A Xojo Developer

I’ve spent most of my career developing custom software. I’ve worked as an in-house developer creating custom “line of business” solutions. I’ve worked for software development firms that provide custom software for clients. And I’ve primarily been a self-employed custom software developer since first going out on my own in early 2000. Today, a lot of the work that I’m doing involves developing custom software solutions using Xojo.

I’m often asked by other developers – some who are already using Xojo and some who are not – where the opportunities for Xojo developers are, and how to find them. I also occasionally see these types of questions posted on the Xojo forum by developers who want to use their knowledge of and passion for Xojo to start their own business. So I thought I’d share some of my experiences and observations.

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Low-Code Doesn’t Mean No Control

There are low-code platforms that don’t provide ability to call directly into the operating system. Fortunately, Xojo does. Our vision for Xojo has always been to make the tool easy to learn and highly productive to develop applications, without sacrificing power when you need it.

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What’s important in a programming language?

I started learning how to code as a teenager. Back then there weren’t very many programming languages. I remember BASIC, Pascal, Fortran, COBOL, C and a handful of others that were highly specialized. Why so few? Because in the 1970’s, computers just couldn’t do very much compared to today. The available languages were sufficient for the limited tasks computers had been assigned to manage.

Over the last several decades, computer technology has exploded. The smartphone I carry around in my pocket is far more powerful than the fastest computers of my youth. As a teenager, I rarely encountered anything where a computer had played a part. Today the rare encounter would be with things where computers had played no part.  Computers handle so many tasks now that, as a natural consequence, there are thousands of programming languages with more appearing every year.

With so many languages, it can be difficult to choose one. What is important in a programming language?

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