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Tag: Software Development

XDC 2016 Recap

This year’s Xojo Developer Conference was held at the distinctive Hotel Derek in downtown Houston, Texas. We had attendees from 12 countries around the world, 30+ of the best sessions ever, fun live music, great networking and delicious food!

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Guest Post: 5 Tips to Control Development Business Chaos

Having problems controlling your projects and clients enough to enjoy your life and have fun developing software? If you can put a few systems in place, you will deliver better customer service, increase your productivity, and communicate better. Here are five tips to help you on your path of reigning in the chaos.

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The Chinook Sample Database

Have you ever needed or wanted a populated sample database with several related tables to play around with? Perhaps you are learning about databases and database design or perhaps you want to try out a new tool such as Xojo but want a pre-build database to start with.

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Guest Post: Learning Xojo

Bob Keeney has been an active member of the Xojo community since 2001. BKeeney Software has offered Xojo consulting work for 15 years with happy clients all around the world. Bob blogs regularly on Xojo and developer topics at

I think that Xojo is an amazing product. Clients love the simplicity and power of Xojo which is not found in many software development products. Part of what makes it a great product to work with is the wide array of options to learn more about the language- whether it’s for someone who’s new to programming trying to get an introduction to the language or for an experienced programmer trying to do a deep dive into the framework and what Xojo is capable of.

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What’s Next: Xojo Licensing

Now that you have tried Xojo, you’re probably thinking of creating stand-alone apps. Maybe you are considering selling your app or maybe you just want to share your app with some friends.

So now you are ready to build and deploy your apps, and to do that you need a Xojo license. No problem, Xojo has a straightforward licensing scheme.

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