Composing new controls using primitives is something you definitely want to explore. Let’s build a reusable vertical navigation, with animations, for your Xojo Web projects using the Atomic Design Methodology.
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Starting with Xojo 2023r1 you’ll find a new feature in Xojo’s Debugger panel that allows you to filter the objects and variables displayed, even between different project runs! This lets you stay focused on the more important objects and variables instead of scrolling through the list of all entries.
Comments closedGraphic chart support is new in Xojo Desktop and Xojo Mobile (iOS) in Xojo 2023r1. The new DesktopChart and MobileChart offer a similar look and behavior to what you find when using Xojo’s WebChart. Let’s review all the things you can do with the new DesktopChart and MobileChart in your Xojo projects.
Comments closedXojo’s Code Editor now lets you move a line or a selection up or down or duplicate entire lines (or a selection). To swap lines, put the cursor on a line and press Option+Up Arrow (Mac) or Alt+Up Arrow (Win/Linux) to move the line up in the code. Press Down arrow to move down.
Comments closedA feature in some other languages you may have seen is something called matrix math. These are operations you can perform on matrices, which are 2-dimensional arrays. Xojo does not have any matrix math functions built in, but using the Extends command you can add your own.
Comments closedThe MVPs do a lot for us and, as much of it is behind the scenes, I wanted to thank them publicly for the time and contributions they make to the Xojo community. Though you may not always see it, the Xojo MVPs – Jérémie Leroy, Kem Tekinay, Anthony Cyphers, Christian Schmitz, Martin T and Wayne Golding – bring ideas to us and help identify solutions. Often this leads to an outcome that is ultimately an improvement for the community.
Comments closedUsing Xojo’s URLConnection to communicate with web services is pretty straightforward. But testing the actual REST API calls can get tricky. To make it easier to test and experiment with REST API calls, Paul created a app in Xojo for doing just this. He called it RESTy in its original format back in 2015. You can download the updated project here built with Xojo 2022r4.1.
Comments closedIf recent years have informed anything in my life, it is that life is short and also that life is always changing. So it is with enthusiasm I am coming to London for XDC next month. As you probably recall, we had been trying to host an Xojo Developer Conference in London for years but the COVID 19 pandemic had other ideas. But after a successful XDC in Nashville, Tennessee in 2022, we felt the climate was right and we collected data saying the demand was high. We felt this despite reading again and again about the decline in in-person and virtual event attendance. Now, please don’t worry the Xojo Developer Conference in London is going to be an excellent event.
Comments closedThere are some situations where you may need a range of numbers that is equally spaced. For example, when given a minimum and a maximum value within which a set of numbers that need to be equally spaced. This is useful if you are designing an UI control displaying “ticks” or for the axis of a graphic chart displaying cartesian values. Continue reading to see a technique to do just this.
Comments closedKnowing the firing order of the Opening event in Xojo Desktop and Mobile apps, and the Shown event for Xojo Web apps, is important to using these correctly for a control’s initialization. The same can be said for Closing and Closed events. Read on for a breakdown of this order for Desktop, Web and Mobile apps developed in Xojo.
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