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Xojo Web Rescues a .NET Project

I had a call recently from a customer whose upstream supplier informed them that they would not be accepting anything less than TLS 1.2 encryption. The customer’s application is written using .NET 1.1 (they are testing a new version but aren’t ready to deploy to production just yet). Their supplier insisted on a 1-week time limit. Can I help?

My answer was, of course, “Let me have a look and get back to you.”

I went to my favourite dev tool, Xojo, and went through the process of developing a solution. The connection is a REST API, so I’ll start with a web project and use the HandleURL event. And I’ll use a URLConnection to pass on the request.  Wait … could it be that simple?

Function HandleURL(request As WebRequest, response As WebResponse) Handles HandleURL as Boolean

  // Create the outbound connection
  Var connector As New URLConnection
  // Copy the content of the request
  connector.SetRequestContent(request.Body, request.MIMEType)

  // Send the request
  Var result As String
    result = connector.SendSync("POST", kAddress + request.Path)
  Catch err As RuntimeException
    // Catch DNS, Certificate & Timeout errors
    response.Status = 500
    Return True

  // Return the result of the request
  response.Status = connector.HTTPStatusCode

  Return True

End Function

The answer is, “Yes!”  This is all the code in the entire project.

You will notice that there is no security, but in this instance that is fine as the virtual machine is running this is on the same network as the client server and the firewall is configured to only allow connections from that server.

After processing over 60 thousand requests, memory use is 7.3MB and never exceeded 13MB. CPU usage was at the maximum 1.5%.

Even after using Xojo for 20 years this still blows my mind.

Wayne Golding has been a Xojo developer since 2005 and is a Xojo MVP. He operates the IT Company Axis Direct Ltd which primarily develops applications using Xojo that integrate with Xero Wayne’s hobby is robotics where he uses Xojo to build applications for his Raspberry Pi, often implementing IoT for remote control.