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Author: Alyssa Foley

No, we don’t have plans for a XDC 2024

If recent years have informed anything in my life, it is that life is short and also that life is always changing. So it is with enthusiasm I am coming to London for XDC next month. As you probably recall, we had been trying to host an Xojo Developer Conference in London for years but the COVID 19 pandemic had other ideas. But after a successful XDC in Nashville, Tennessee in 2022, we felt the climate was right and we collected data saying the demand was high. We felt this despite reading again and again about the decline in in-person and virtual event attendance. Now, please don’t worry the Xojo Developer Conference in London is going to be an excellent event.

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2022: Welcome Back!?

Does anyone else feel like 2022 is the first year in many years where we have gotten back together, in-person, for big events, small get-togethers, travel and even the daily office grind? Whether that is the right thing to have done or not, it seems that is what many of us did in 2022. Though we all tried new things to stay connected over the past few years (Zoom-fatigue anyone?), there’s nothing like seeing an old friend after years apart.

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The Xojo Showcase

We created the Xojo Showcase to, well, showcase the broad variety of apps made in Xojo. Want to get more eyes on your latest Xojo app? Upload your Xojo-made app to the Xojo Showcase. Whether it’s a Desktop, Web, Mobile or Raspberry Pi app, commercial, personal or educational, anything developed in Xojo can be added. Upload screenshots, add a description of the app, point to a promotional video, include a direct link to your website, the app’s webpage and a download link. There isn’t an easier way to spread awareness of your latest Xojo app!

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Xojo Educational Licenses for Teachers

Educators can download Xojo to a classroom of computers and activate the Xojo Educational license on a build machine. Whether your classroom is Windows, Mac or Linux, the Xojo IDE is cross-platform and free to download. Though you may only be teaching desktop development, your students can stretch their skills and use Xojo’s free IDE to develop web, mobile or Raspberry Pi apps.

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Modern, Visual Basic For Your Mac

Did you love Visual Basic? A lot of us did, but it’s 2021 and technology is ever-changing. As you look at the modern alternatives, consider Xojo. For over 20 years, Xojo has been the spiritual successor to VB, a rapid, cross-platform programming language and integrated development environment (IDE). Often called “VB for the Mac”, Xojo is more powerful than VB6 and more approachable than VB.NET. Two factors that are increasingly important because modern coders are everywhere, not just in the technology department.

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2020 Xojo Design Award Winners

Today we are pleased to announce the winners of the 2020 Xojo Design Awards. Judging is never an easy job, but this year the submissions were such a diverse range of apps we found it both exciting and difficult! The Design Awards honor excellence in software design. These awards are a great opportunity to learn about some of the best apps made with Xojo. Support Xojo and the Xojo community by sharing and congratulating these winners!

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