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Author: Alyssa Foley

Why Xojo Cloud? Because Updating A Linux Server Is Complicated On Any Planet

I was up hours later than I should have been last night reading The Martian when, after discussing in detail how to hack some really old software in some really old equipment located about 54.6 million kilometers away, I read this line: ““Jesus, what a complicated process,” Venkat said. “Try updating a Linux server sometime,” Jack said.”

And my first thought was, “Oh!, that’s why we offer Xojo Cloud!”

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Programming Resources For Students

Can I learn to code in Xojo for free? Yes, Xojo is free for development and testing!

Do you have a free book so I can learn to code? Yes, Intro to Programming with Xojo is free!

Can I ask my beginner questions? Yes, the Xojo forum is a gateway to the friendly and helpful Xojo community.

The Xojo language is Object-Oriented. Object-Oriented programming is an excellent way to learn the fundamentals of computer programming. Xojo is also cross-platform, which means you can build apps for all kinds of platforms using a single code base. Xojo is a Rapid Application Development tool, which means it’s developed to make building apps simple and quick.

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Downtown Austin Restaurants Near #XDC2015

It’s been over 7 years since Dana persuaded me to come interview with Xojo and leave the downtown law firm I’d been working at. Downtown has changed a lot in that time, some of it is barely recognizable. So many of my old haunts are gone but I’m not looking back, I’ve discovered a whole slew of new dining experiences in downtown. As I mentioned in my earlier post covering things to do while visiting Austin, there is nothing a Texan loves as much as talking about food. Austin offers an eclectic and seriously yummy variety of restaurants, here are some local favorites you should try while in town for #XDC2015.


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Assigning Your Xojo License To Someone Else

Managers, Coordinators, Purchasing Agents, Xojo has got you covered! Did you know you can assign Xojo licenses from your account to other accounts? Assigning a license to a member of your team gives them access to that Xojo license, while you retain the ability to revoke and extend those licenses.

This blog post steps through a license owner assigning their Xojo license to an end user.

TL;DR  Go to go your Team pages. End users share their connection key with the license owner, then owner connects with end user’s account by adding that connection key. Now, the owner can assign licenses to anyone they are connected with from their Licenses Page.

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What’s Next: Xojo Licensing

Now that you have tried Xojo, you’re probably thinking of creating stand-alone apps. Maybe you are considering selling your app or maybe you just want to share your app with some friends.

So now you are ready to build and deploy your apps, and to do that you need a Xojo license. No problem, Xojo has a straightforward licensing scheme.

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