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Category: Community

Posts about the Xojo Community, events and activities.

Var, Dim or both?

API 2.0 added Var as an alias for Dim. Var is more recognized by coders from other languages and that’s great. Easily readable code is the goal, so I use both.

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2020 Xojo Design Award Winners

Today we are pleased to announce the winners of the 2020 Xojo Design Awards. Judging is never an easy job, but this year the submissions were such a diverse range of apps we found it both exciting and difficult! The Design Awards honor excellence in software design. These awards are a great opportunity to learn about some of the best apps made with Xojo. Support Xojo and the Xojo community by sharing and congratulating these winners!

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Default Values Tip

Often when debugging an application, you’ll need to enter the same data in the same fields over & over. There is a temptation to set the value of the field to the test data. The downside of this is that you need to remove all those defaults before deploying your application.

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Why I am excited about XOJO.CONNECT … and why you should be too!

Geoff used an interesting metaphor in a conversation recently. He said, “Since we have been working on so many multi-year projects, 2019 had a bit of a drought of big new features, but in 2020 we are predicting rain … lots of rain.” This really got me thinking about how different XOJO.CONNECT 2020 will be from the past few Xojo Developer Conferences.

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10 Reasons Why You Should Try Xojo

With so many programming languages and development environments around … why you should try Xojo? I could tell you more than 400,000 reasons to just jump-in right away; reasons I’ve heard for over 10 years now from Xojo users around the world that are building all kind of apps, products and solutions in all kinds of fields. Nevertheless, if I really think about, all of these reasons can be condensed into the following 10 main points. Continue reading and I’m pretty sure you will want to give Xojo a try too!

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