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Category: Android


The MobileMoviePlayer is a relatively new iOS feature in the Xojo Programming language. To use MobileMoviePlayer start a new iOS project and drag the MoviePlayer control from the Library onto a Screen.

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#1 on the Xojo Roadmap: Android

We’re hard at work on Xojo’s upcoming Android support — it is our top priority. As we’ve discussed previously, you can see in the current versions of Xojo that the latest iOS controls now start with “Mobile” in their name. Although Android and iOS will start off as different project types, implementing the “Mobile” prefix is an important step to complete so you will see similar controls when Android support is available.

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XDC 2019 Keynote Recap

Geoff just wrapped up the keynote here in sunny, windy Miami, Florida.

After a brief introduction welcoming attendees from 11 different countries, Geoff began the keynote by sharing some graphs showing how the Xojo community has been changing.

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