Everyone loves SQLite. It is everywhere, it is fast and it is easy to use. Want to know how to make it even faster?
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All posts related to using databases.
Xojo Cloud has always taken the headaches out of setting up, securing, maintaining and deploying servers for web apps. Now Xojo Cloud servers are better, stronger and faster- all for the same great price!
Comments closedFormatting SQL for display can sometimes be a pain, particularly for the many different flavors of SQL. One easy way to do the formatting is to use a web service.
Comments closedSerious about cross-platform development? Consider going Pro with Xojo. Whether you are new to Xojo or looking to upgrade your existing licenses, Xojo Pro is the best way to take advantage of everything Xojo has to offer.
Comments closedI was up hours later than I should have been last night reading The Martian when, after discussing in detail how to hack some really old software in some really old equipment located about 54.6 million kilometers away, I read this line: “âJesus, what a complicated process,â Venkat said. âTry updating a Linux server sometime,â Jack said.”
And my first thought was, “Oh!, that’s why we offer Xojo Cloud!”
Comments closedPasswords are a problem, as we frequently see in the news when databases containing password and login information are hacked and exposed.
Though too much security is never enough, as developers, there are things we can do to keep our users’ passwords secure.
Comments closedThese days, businesses need to adapt to changes quickly and they need their software to do the same. They need it developed and updated in less and less time. This speed and adaptability is key to what Rapid Application Development tools offer developers.
Comments closedIf you log into a Xojo Cloud server with an FTP client and have your app make changes to that server (such as creating or deleting files or folders), your FTP client will NOT see those changes, even after a refresh. This applies to Xojo Cloud or apps you have on another server.
Comments closedThanks to some assistance from William Yu and the folks at combit, we now have a sample project that shows you how to use List & Label with Xojo. List & Label is a Windows (.NET-based) reporting tool that can create some sophisticated reports.
Comments closedOne of the most popular Xojo Cloud feature requests was to add database support. On Tuesday Feb 10th, we added MySQL and Postgres databases for Xojo Cloud. In addition to having a database server right on your Xojo Cloud server, we have also enabled the creation of SSH Tunnels so you can connect directly to the databases using a 3rd party management tool.
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