Like many Xojo developers, I often use virtual machines for testing. Over time the virtual machine disk files can get pretty large, even if you…
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Many times, when we create a desktop application which is doing huge processes, it happens that the responsiveness of our app can be interrupted for few seconds. As developers we need to avoid such scenarios because we want to keep the interaction between the user and the app constant while it’s in use. You have to imagine that our customer doesn’t have a developer’s mindset and will not wait more than 5 seconds if the app freezes. Threading is a great solution to these situations.
Comments closedYuck! It happens to everyone, from beginners to experienced developers: sometimes you’ll get stuck. Perhaps the code you’re working on just won’t do what you want or maybe you’re having trouble understanding code plucked from the internet. Talk to the duck. The rubber duck, that is. The term “rubber ducking” or “rubber duck debugging” is a software development technique where you explain the problem you are having to a rubber duck (or appropriate substitute). Often the act of explaining the problem to someone else, even if that someone is not real, can help you figure it out. It might be like inspiration struck.
Comments closedI recently watched this video from Computerphile on YouTube (one of my favorite channels). It demonstrates a simple bit-shift operation can generate amazing random strings of numbers. I thought I’d quickly convert it to Xojo.
Comments closedIn Xojo 2021R2 binary enumerations were introduced. These Enums must be declared in a module and are treated by the compiler as a class. Learn to create an Enum for Days of the Week and demonstrate the use of that by creating a custom segmented button control.
Comments closedThere is something that is even better than using Cell Renderers from third parties- building them yourself. In this second part, you will learn how…
Comments closedThis post was originally published in 2018 and has been updated to use Xojo API 2.0.
Follow this tutorial to create active, aka clickable, words in the text of a TextArea control in your Xojo projects. Learn to use the Object-oriented Delegate design pattern to dynamically change how your app reacts when the user clicks on those active words. Best of all, this project is cross-platform, so you can use it for macOS, Windows and Linux!
Comments closedA quick tip I wanted to share about using Web DatePicker. I was using the DatePicker control on a web page and the results didn’t look correct.
Comments closedIf you are creating a web application, you’ve already noticed most of the time you are using WebListBox controls. Xojo Web 2.0 comes with a hidden gem called Custom Cell Renderers. They allow you to create reusable pieces of code to enhance your table cells.
Comments closedThere are plenty of times when your Xojo apps might need to know the public or external IP address is, and there are a lot of web sites or services that you can use with Xojo to find that. I found ipify to be easy to use
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