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Category: Tutorials

tutorials, longer instructional posts, how to’s

Monthly Webinars Expand Your Xojo Programming Skills

At Xojo we continually look to improve our skills and we are happy to be offering opportunities for everyone in the Xojo community to upgrade their skills too. At least once a month we are hosting new webinars. Webinars cover a variety of valuable topics, including getting started with Xojo, developing web apps, iOS development tips and the basics of using our newest platform, Android.

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Creating a Number Class

In this tutorial I will show you how to create a Number class that can tell you when its value has been actually set, along with other methods to manage how it is used while demonstrating some common object-oriented techniques and features such as operator overloading. You’ll be able to create a Number from an Integer, Double or String.

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Algorithm: Equally Spaced Ranges

There are some situations where you may need a range of numbers that is equally spaced. For example, when given a minimum and a maximum value within which a set of numbers that need to be equally spaced. This is useful if you are designing an UI control displaying “ticks” or for the axis of a graphic chart displaying cartesian values. Continue reading to see a technique to do just this.

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