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Tag: Beginner Tips

How I learned to stop worrying and love the debugger

Since we are all good programmers we never make mistakes, right ? 🙂

But for those times when you write some code and you just can’t figure out why its not behaving, there is always the Debugger!

The best part is the Debugger is very easy to use and it can help you sort out a lot of common issues. Its covered in the Xojo User’s Guide, specifically see the Using the Debugger section.

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What’s Next: Xojo Licensing

Now that you have tried Xojo, you’re probably thinking of creating stand-alone apps. Maybe you are considering selling your app or maybe you just want to share your app with some friends.

So now you are ready to build and deploy your apps, and to do that you need a Xojo license. No problem, Xojo has a straightforward licensing scheme.

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