This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide to deploying Xojo web apps on a Linux server. You’ll find deployment of more complex web apps can follow the same basic principles. If all of this seems too complex, Xojo Cloud is the easy, powerful and secure way to deploy web apps.
Comments closedTag: Deployment
This tutorial will show you how to deploy your SQLite based projects so they behave right on Desktop, Web and iOS, copying the database file to the right place on every target.
Comments closedAre you tired of the hassles of creating web apps using PHP? Why not develop faster and smarter with Xojo?
Like PHP, Xojo is object-oriented. Unlike PHP, Xojo has a coherent framework design that is easy to work with; plus the Xojo language is simple and focused.
Comments closedDo you find it frustrating to create web apps? HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and AJAX can be challenging, and frameworks such as Node, React, Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET, PHP and Java are often overwhelming for those just beginning web development.
There is a simpler solution: Xojo. Using a single programming language and a single IDE, you can go from zero to a working web app in an amazingly short amount of time with Xojo.
Comments closedWe’ve been getting a lot of questions about available options for deploying iOS apps.
Geoff recently wrote about how to deploy iOS apps inside a company, but I’d like to collect all the various ways to deploy your iOS here for quick, easy reference.
Comments closedNow that you’ve finished creating your Windows app, how do you distribute it to Windows users? Microsoft Windows users expect an installer, so you can’t really get away with just using a ZIP file to distribute your apps. What are your options?