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Tag: Rapid Application Development

Using Xojo to Make NetSuite Development More Efficient

We love hearing from Xojo users when they want to share what they’re working on! One project that was just shared with me was from Tim Dietrich, a Xojo user who has spoken at our user conferences. Late last year Tim shared that he was working on a project that could get Xojo in front of a new audience. Yesterday he released SuiteTransmit. About the project and development process, Tim commented: I was impressed by how easy Xojo made it to get the app working on both platforms. 

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Xojo Developer Retreat: So much more than a conference

I am so excited to be planning the Xojo Developer Retreat coming up in Nashville in September. We decided to call it a retreat to signify that we are emphasizing the part that attendees over the years has told us was the best and most beneficial part of XDC, the time spent with other users – networking, troubleshooting and building relationships. If you want to meet the Xojo Team and community members, attend some great sessions, network, collaborate, have fun and enjoy Nashville, please join us at the Xojo Developer Retreat.

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Conway’s Game of Life

The Game of Life, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. You’ve probably seen this around in some form or another, but I ran across it again recently and thought it would be fun to implement in Xojo.

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PDFDocument: Reports With Full Vectorial Quality

Back in 2020 when PDFDocument was first introduced in Xojo, we had to make a compromise in order to render the output created via Xojo’s integrated Report Editor. That was far from ideal, but we needed to first meet some other requirements in order to get the full vectorial quality you expect in both PDFs as well as in rendering reports.

With Xojo 2022r1 I am happy to say we have achieved that goal! The best part is that you don’t need to do anything to take advantage of the update. Keep your code as it is now and, the next time you output your report into a PDF document you’ll get the full vectorial quality you expect!

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TTC to TTF File Converter

TTC files are TrueType Collection files that contain the data needed to represent multiple font styles and font weights; this is a collection. On the other hand, TTF files are TrueType Font files, that contains the data required to work with only one font style or one font weight (for example: Regular, Bold or Light).

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