The Xojo community is vibrant and active, with all kinds of clever, open-source software being created for iOS, desktop, web and Raspberry Pi. By my latest count, there are at least 80 open-source projects for Xojo on GitHub and other places!
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Posts about the Xojo Community, events and activities.
There are about 80 Xojo-related open-source projects that I am tracking on the Xojo Dev Center: Open-Source Projects. I often have people ask me how they can make their own cool libraries and projects available on GitHub, so here’s a short tutorial.
Comments closedMany years ago, the Window Functionality Suite (WFS) library was created by Aaron Ballman. This library was a collection of Win32 Declares (and a few other things) for accessing Windows-specific functionality that was not directly provided by the Xojo framework.
WFS is still available on GitHub, but it has languished over the years. For example, it has lots of legacy code in it for older versions of Windows that is no longer needed since Xojo only supports Windows 7 and later. WFS is also not really compatible with 64-bit projects since the Declares mostly assume 32-bit or bust.
To that end, I’ve started a new open-source project called WinAPILib that is now available on GitHub.
Comments closedDuring the Obama administration, internet service providers (ISPs) were reclassified as Telecommunication Service Providers. This meant that they would be treated like phone companies, as common carriers with all the regulation that implies. Prior to this they were classified as Information Providers which clearly made no sense since ISPs provide the network, not the actual content. Most importantly, Net Neutrality prevents ISPs from providing paid fast lanes which would allow companies to pay ISPs to make traffic to their site faster than traffic to other sites.
Comments closedAt Xojo we want everyone to learn programming. But even though Xojo is easy to use, especially when compared to other tools, programming is still challenging. At some point, everyone gets stuck somewhere. Here are some tips that might help you out the next time you get stuck, regardless of what programming language you use.
Comments closedBack in 1998 when we shipped version 1 of what is now Xojo, it was a 32-bit application and has been ever since. Depending on the operating system, that meant the Xojo IDE itself had at most 4GB of RAM available to it. That would seem like more than enough for any project. However, we have some users that have really big projects. One project I know of has over 1500 project items!
Comments closedAt each XDC (Xojo Developer Conference) I lay out, however roughly, what Xojo’s short-term development roadmap looks like for the next 12 months or so. Despite how well-conceived that roadmap may be, sometimes unexpected events occur that change or delay things.
Comments closedAt Xojo we’re a company of programmers who work with programmers and after 21 years or so, we like to think we know our stuff. In honor of International Programmer’s Day today, we’d like to offer our experience in the form of a listicle 😉
Whether you’re new to programming or an experienced developer, there are some things you’ll just never find in a reference manual. We’re passionate about writing good code and these are our 10 tips to be a better programmer.
Comments closedThe latest XojoTalk Podcast – Paul talks with Wayne Golding of Axis Direct about how his company uses Xojo, Xojo 2017 Release 2, New Zealand and more.
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