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Category: Cross-Platform

Xojo and Apple Vision Pro

Apple has released the developer documentation for Vision Pro, their recently announced mixed reality headset. So far, it looks promising that iOS apps written in Xojo will just work. Of course, we don’t yet have one of these to use for testing. If we did, we’d be too busy playing with it to write this blog post, however we have tried running some Xojo iOS projects in the Vision Pro Simulator and they work without modification so that’s a very good sign.

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Moving Forward & Giving Back: iOS and macOS Products from Greg O’Lone

My new path has taken me deep into the world of iOS and macOS and I thought I would create some projects & products which would benefit Xojo apps on those platforms by creating some products which expose some of the larger frameworks which are not already available but also cannot be accessed by declares alone…

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Creating a Number Class

In this tutorial I will show you how to create a Number class that can tell you when its value has been actually set, along with other methods to manage how it is used while demonstrating some common object-oriented techniques and features such as operator overloading. You’ll be able to create a Number from an Integer, Double or String.

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