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Category: Networking

A Meetup of Xojo Developers in London

Last week while traveling in London I hosted a Xojo meetup. This was a social event where local developers could meet, share ideas, ask questions and get to know each other. Fresh off the excitement from Nashville’s Xojo Developer Retreat in September, many of us who attended that were excited we got to see each other twice in such a short timeframe. We got a lot of great feedback, the most popular being that there is a lot of enthusiasm to finally host a London Xojo Developer Conference.

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Xojo Developer Retreat Recap

In September we hosted The Xojo Developer Retreat in Nashville and it was a huge success! From exciting educational sessions, to an exploration of the Xojo product roadmap, to informative presentations from Xojo Engineers about how Xojo is made and the Xojo framework, there was a lot to take in! If you missed any of the announcements that were shared, you can watch Founder and CEO Geoff Perlman’s Conference Keynote free on YouTube. The rest of the session videos are available for purchase here.

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Xojo and NetSuite

Tim has found that many NetSuite users want to create custom applications that interact with their data in NetSuite and Xojo is truly ideal for this. Some NetSuite users contract this work out to developers like Tim while others are interested in creating apps themselves. During the webinar, Tim and I demonstrated Xojo to NetSuite users while also demonstrating NetSuite to Xojo users who may be interested in incorporating it into their organizations or providing development services to NetSuite users.

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Using Xojo to Make NetSuite Development More Efficient

We love hearing from Xojo users when they want to share what they’re working on! One project that was just shared with me was from Tim Dietrich, a Xojo user who has spoken at our user conferences. Late last year Tim shared that he was working on a project that could get Xojo in front of a new audience. Yesterday he released SuiteTransmit. About the project and development process, Tim commented: I was impressed by how easy Xojo made it to get the app working on both platforms. 

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Xojo Developer Retreat: So much more than a conference

I am so excited to be planning the Xojo Developer Retreat coming up in Nashville in September. We decided to call it a retreat to signify that we are emphasizing the part that attendees over the years has told us was the best and most beneficial part of XDC, the time spent with other users – networking, troubleshooting and building relationships. If you want to meet the Xojo Team and community members, attend some great sessions, network, collaborate, have fun and enjoy Nashville, please join us at the Xojo Developer Retreat.

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The Xojo Showcase

We created the Xojo Showcase to, well, showcase the broad variety of apps made in Xojo. Want to get more eyes on your latest Xojo app? Upload your Xojo-made app to the Xojo Showcase. Whether it’s a Desktop, Web, Mobile or Raspberry Pi app, commercial, personal or educational, anything developed in Xojo can be added. Upload screenshots, add a description of the app, point to a promotional video, include a direct link to your website, the app’s webpage and a download link. There isn’t an easier way to spread awareness of your latest Xojo app!

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Suddenly, it has been 25 years

On this day 25 years ago I wandered into the local Chase Bank here in Austin, Texas to open a checking account for my latest venture. At that time I was planning to write custom software applications for various businesses that were interested in hiring me to do so. Not long after that, one of the developers who worked for one of my customers asked if I’d be interested in hiring him. Jason and I still work together to this day. What you now know as Xojo came along about 18 months later. As we prepared v1.0 to ship, we wound down the custom software development part of the business. We’ve been a development tools company ever since.

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