With the availability of Xojo 2018 Release 3, Xojo now supports macOS Mojave’s new dark mode. This means you can update your own apps to support dark mode and it also means that the Xojo IDE works in dark mode.
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About three years ago, we added HiDPI/Retina support to our framework which was released to users as part of Xojo 2016r1 when we also shipped our first HiDPI IDE.
With Apple’s announcements at WWDC 2018 and the introduction of dark mode it was time to revisit our graphics and the overall appearance of the IDE again. Here are some things which contribute to the changes that have been made and ones that you will see in the coming months.
Comments closedWhen you start using Xojo one of the first things you’ll see is that there are many, many types of built-in controls. The area where you see all the controls is called the Library and each project type (desktop, web or iOS) has its own set of controls.
No matter the what type of project you are creating, learn these tips to make using the Library and finding controls fast and easy.
Comments closedViruses continue to be a big problem on Windows. As a result, anti-virus software can be a bit over-zealous about detecting what it believes to be apps that have viruses embedded within them. We have had reports over the years that apps made with Xojo are sometimes falsely identified as being infected with a virus. This sometimes occurs because the 32-bit Xojo compiler puts executable code in a location where the anti-virus software doesn’t expect to find it. We’ve seen this occur even when users are debugging apps from the IDE. Fortunately in that case, there’s a fairly easy solution.
Comments closedBack in 1998 when we shipped version 1 of what is now Xojo, it was a 32-bit application and has been ever since. Depending on the operating system, that meant the Xojo IDE itself had at most 4GB of RAM available to it. That would seem like more than enough for any project. However, we have some users that have really big projects. One project I know of has over 1500 project items!
Comments closedAre you tired of the hassles of creating web apps using PHP? Why not develop faster and smarter with Xojo?
Like PHP, Xojo is object-oriented. Unlike PHP, Xojo has a coherent framework design that is easy to work with; plus the Xojo language is simple and focused.
Comments closedAbout two years ago, at XDC 2015 in Austin, Philippe Casgrain from LightSpeed did a bonus presentation on the benefits of Continuous Integration when building projects with Xojo. Coincidentally, we at Xojo had decided just days before that we needed to move away from manual builds and automate as much of our build process as possible to keep up with the increasing complexity and number of our frameworks (later that summer we would be going from 3 to 8). After the presentation, we heard from several developers asking when the limitations of automated builds would be addressed and because we were working on our own process, it gave us an excellent place to try out new things while ironing out the wrinkles.
Comments closedEasily assign your own shortcut keys to any menu item in the updated Xojo Menu Shortcut Editor.
Comments closedIt’s a simple, quick way to work with your Xojo code with SVN.
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