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Tag: Multi-Platform Development

PDFDocument Improvements

While PDFTable and PDFDataTableSource ease the way to render tables in your PDF documents on Desktop, Web, Raspberry Pi and Console projects (iOS to come!) and are the big new features for PDFDocument in Xojo 2022r3, that’s not all that improved. There are additional features added to PDFDocument you might find helpful such as more control while using PDFForm and improvements to dealing with TOC indexes. Learn more about how to get advantage of these additions!

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Using Emojis in Xojo

Xojo has very good graphics support. You can drop images into your project and use them with several controls. You can use the various Paint events to draw your own graphics. And there’s another source of graphics you may not have considered: emojis. Emojis can be used anywhere that text can be used because they are simply Unicode characters. That means they can be used in textfields, buttons, labels, popup menus, listboxes and more.

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Bug Bash Results

Our Engineering team primarily focused on a Bug Bash during the month of August with the goal of addressing issues that did not meet our typical criteria. Unlike previous Bug Bashes, we invited users to nominate up to ten cases they would like to see addressed. During the month 100 issues were fixed! Of those – 50% were created in the past 90 days, and 10% were created more than one year ago.

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Rotate that Picture!

Sometimes we need to rotate a Picture from portrait to landscape and vice versa. Since the introduction of the Graphics methods Translate and Rotate this is pretty simple to do! Continue reading and I will show you how to create a Method Extension for the Picture class that will be able to do that. This will work on Desktop and iOS projects by only copying and pasting the code, but you will need to make some changes to the example project for the Web version because of the need to convert Picture to WebPicture and back.

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Xojo and NetSuite

Tim has found that many NetSuite users want to create custom applications that interact with their data in NetSuite and Xojo is truly ideal for this. Some NetSuite users contract this work out to developers like Tim while others are interested in creating apps themselves. During the webinar, Tim and I demonstrated Xojo to NetSuite users while also demonstrating NetSuite to Xojo users who may be interested in incorporating it into their organizations or providing development services to NetSuite users.

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PDFDocument: How to Add New Content to a Given Page

When we create a PDF document is impossible (in most of the cases) to anticipate how many pages it will have. And yet, that is something that we are going to need if, for example, we want to add a footer reflecting the current page number over the total of pages in the document. The solution is using the PageCount and CurrentPage properties in the PDFDocument class.

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Using Xojo to Make NetSuite Development More Efficient

We love hearing from Xojo users when they want to share what they’re working on! One project that was just shared with me was from Tim Dietrich, a Xojo user who has spoken at our user conferences. Late last year Tim shared that he was working on a project that could get Xojo in front of a new audience. Yesterday he released SuiteTransmit. About the project and development process, Tim commented: I was impressed by how easy Xojo made it to get the app working on both platforms. 

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Conway’s Game of Life

The Game of Life, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. You’ve probably seen this around in some form or another, but I ran across it again recently and thought it would be fun to implement in Xojo.

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