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Tag: Xojo Programming Language

Resources for Xojo Android Projects

Now that Xojo can build apps for Android, let’s help you get started on your first Xojo Android project! Whether you’re already developing mobile apps or new to mobile development, getting started with Xojo is quick and easy. Xojo offers many resources for getting started with Xojo Android.

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New Additions to DesktopChart, MobileChart and WebChart

DesktopChart, MobileChart, and WebChart have received some new features and improvements based mostly on user feedback. New features include a new Stacked chart type, more customization options for the already supported chart types and improvements to the chart control itself. Continue reading to get the details about all these great new things in Xojo.

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Android Declares

Using and writing declares for Android is very similar to other platforms. The syntax is mostly the same, but we’ve made some additions to make Declares that change Controls easier. Let’s walk through a couple of easy-to-understand Declares to show you how they’re made.

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