Continuing our series on distributing Mac apps, this post will take you through properly setting up a provisioning profile, which is required for your apps to get tested by others in TestFlight. To review or catch up on earlier steps in this process, see my posts on Sandboxing, Hardened Runtime and Notarization arrives to the Xojo IDE, macOS Apps: From Sandboxing to Notarization, The Basics and Uploading macOS Builds to App Store Connect. But if you have those steps done, let’s set up the provisioning profile you need.
Development or Distribution
There are two types of provisioning profiles: Development and Distribution. Development provisioning profiles are for builds sent to the AppStore Connect service that are not meant to be available on the Mac App Store. Development profiles allow apps to be tested by the eligible users associated with that app in TestFlight. For Development provisioning profiles, set the Stage Code value (under Build Settings > Shared) to “Development”, “Alpha” or “Beta”.
On the other hand, Distribution provisioning profiles for macOS are required for builds meant to be publicly available on the Mac App Store once approved by the App Store Reviewing Process, they are also available for TestFlight. For Distribution provisioning profiles, make sure the Stage Code value is set to “Final” under Build Settings > Shared.
Creating Provisioning Profiles
Regardless of which type of provisioning profile you are creating, you’ll need to do it from the Apple Developer website (using your paid developer membership).
In this example we will create a Distribution provisioning profile.
- Login into the Apple Developer Website.
- Select the Profiles option found under the “Certificates, IDs & Profiles” section.
- Click on the “+” icon found next to the “Profiles” header.
- Next, select the “Mac AppStore Connect” option under the Distribution section, and click on the “Continue” button.

- Select the “Mac” option under the Profile Type section, and select the App ID value from those available in the associated Popup menu. Make sure that the chosen one (without the value between parentheses) matches the one entered under Build Settings > macOS > Bundle Identifier. Then, click on the “Continue” button.

For example the selected one in the screenshot (that, is, matches the one used as the Bundle Identifier for the app in the Xojo IDE (com.aprendexojo.vcardtoqr).
- Next, select the “Distribution” Certificate to be included in the generated provisioning profile. The one selected must be the same one entered in the Developer ID field when building the App from the Xojo IDE (Build Settings > macOS > Sign). For example, I’m going to use the value (without the quotes) “Apple Distribution: Francisco Javier Rodriguez Menendez (BW7PU32485)” as the Developer ID value in Xojo, so I’m selecting that same Distribution certificate here. Next, click the “Continue” button.

- Name the provisioning profile using a significative name, so you can easily distinguish it later among the many available ones. Next, click the “Generate” button so the provisioning profile is generated and downloaded to your local Mac disk (probably in the Downloads folder).
- The downloaded provisioning profile will have the name you entered in the previous step. Select it and use the Finder options to rename it as “embedded.provisionprofile”.
Adding the Provisioning Profile to the Project
macOS provisioning profiles need to be added to the Contents folder on the app bundle, and that is easy to do from the Xojo IDE!
- Open your project in the Xojo IDE and add a new Copy Files build step under Build Settings > MacOS.
- Add the “embedded.provisionprofile” file to the just added CopyFile build step.
- Select the “Contents Folder” option from the Destination popup menu in the associated Inspector Panel for the Copy Files build step.
- Select the “Release” option from the “Applies To” popup menu in the associated Inspector Panel for the Copy Files build step, so only this file is copied to the Contents folder when the app is built as a standalone app.
Adding New Entries to the Entitlements File
In order for the provisioning profile to be recognized by TestFlight when the app package is sent to AppStore Connect, we need to add a couple more entries to the Entitlements file (see “Uploading macOS Builds to App Store Connect” for more details on the Entitlements file).
- Full Application Identifier. Use the “” as the Key for the entry. The value should be the Application Bundle Identifier (in our example com.aprendexojo.vcardtoqr) prefixed with the Team ID value of the Certificate we used both for signing our app and the provisioning profile itself. In this example it is BW7PU32485, making the string value for this key
- Team ID. Use “” as the Key for the entry, while the value (following with our example) is just the Team ID from the certificate: BW7PU32485
All in all, the final Entitlements file will look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
That is: Sandboxing enabled, plus the ability for the app to read/write the selected user files, plus the two new entries required so the provisioning profile is recognized by TestFlight when the package is submitted to the AppStore Connect.
Save the changes to the modified Entitlements file (in our example named as “myEntitlements.entitlements”).
Resign, Re-Package, and Uploading
If you followed the two previous blog posts in this series, you may have already guessed the next step! Yep, because we modified our “myEntitlements.entitlements” file, we need to re-sign the app bundle, package it and submit it to AppStore Connect.
So for re-signing, type the following in a new Terminal window:
codesign --force --timestamp --entitlements path-to-your-myEntitlements.entitlements-file -s "Apple Distribution: whatever-name-you-use (BZXXXXXXX)"
In order to create a package from the bundle, issue this command from the Terminal:
productbuild --sign "3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: whatever-name-you-use (BZXXXXXXX)" --component /Applications path-to-the-generated-package-file.pkg
And in order to upload the package to the AppStore Connect, type the following command in a Terminal window:
xcrun altool --upload-package path-to-the-package-file.pkg -u your-apple-developer-login-id-goes-here -p "your-app-specific-password-goes-here" --type osx -apple-id "6111111111" --bundle-id "com.yourcomany.yourIdentifier" --bundle-short-version-string "current-short-value" --bundle-version "current-version-value"

If everything went OK, open your Internet Browser and go to, select your app record from the Apps section and click on the TestFlight tab. You should be able to see the just submitted build ready for testing!
In Summary
As you see, adding provisioning profiles to macOS apps sent to the AppStore Connect website to be tested by in TestFlight, requires a bit of previous preparation for the provisioning profile generation itself, copying the file to the project using a Copy Files build step and, then, adding a couple more entries to the Entitlements file.

Once everything this is done, your testers will be able to use the TestFlight app to download and test your builds and report feedback, crash reports and other information about it!
Javier Menendez is an engineer at Xojo and has been using Xojo since 1998. He lives in Castellón, Spain and hosts regular Xojo hangouts en español. Ask Javier questions on Twitter at @XojoES or on the Xojo Forum.
More in this series on distributing Mac apps: