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Category: General

New Xojo Documentation Site

We are always looking for ways to help you be more successful using Xojo and the documentation is a critical component to your success. With that in mind, we have been working on updating Xojo’s documentation for a while now. This Xojo Documentation uses a completely new engine, offers improved searching and more to help you, and us, use it more effectively.

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Updated: Make Your Own Classes Iterables

In programming, iterators are the mechanisms that allow us to run through all the items of a collection without needing to know in advance how many of them compose that collection. To do this, we can use the commands For Each… Next in Xojo. What are the main differences when comparing For Each… Next with the conventional For… Next? See how the For Each… Next loop iterates every item associated with the object. It’s a more concise, stylish and Object-Oriented (OOP) way of doing things when compared with the classic For… Next loop.

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Xojo Educational Licenses for Teachers

Educators can download Xojo to a classroom of computers and activate the Xojo Educational license on a build machine. Whether your classroom is Windows, Mac or Linux, the Xojo IDE is cross-platform and free to download. Though you may only be teaching desktop development, your students can stretch their skills and use Xojo’s free IDE to develop web, mobile or Raspberry Pi apps.

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