This tutorial will show you how to deploy your SQLite based projects so they behave right on Desktop, Web and iOS, copying the database file to the right place on every target.
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tutorials, longer instructional posts, how to’s
Delegates are one of those advanced features you can find in the Xojo programming language, and it’s a really powerful one! Once you discover and comprehend all the flexibility you can get from Delegates, I’m pretty sure you’ll start to start using them! Through the use of Delegates, you can dynamically change the code to execute.
Comments closedLearn to create a solar system in Xojo with the help of the MBS Xojo Plugin component SceneKit. SceneKit is an Apple framework that supplies functions for graphic and animation designs.
Comments closedIn the newest version of the MBS Xojo Plugin 10.0 we offer functions for the use of JavaScript in your Xojo solutions. If you have a problem that you want to solve, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel again and again.
Comments closedThis guide is going to walk you through the steps to set up in-app purchases in your iOS apps. It may be best to get…
Comments closedXojo 2019R2 has a lot of new features and enhancements, including the simplification of updating the User Interface in apps from threads running in combination with the main app thread. Doing that in previous releases required the use of a thread in combination with a Timer, for example.
Comments closedAs an Object Oriented Programming language (OOP), Xojo’s data types, especially the non-primitive ones, use or can use a Class hierarchy. This means that one class, either included by default in the Xojo Framework or created from scratch, can act as a base or root class for other classes based upon them.
Comments closedIn this final part in his 4 part series on Animating Xojo, Anthony Cyphers covers easing, which can make the most drab User Interface interactions beautiful.
Comments closedIn Part 1 we covered the basic history of animating in Xojo using pre-calculated chunks to modify the width of our component. In Part 2…
Comments closedContinuing with what we previously learned in Animating Xojo, Part 1, this version introduces the use of linear interpolation to calculate the current stage of the animation at each step, plus switching to a Dictionary object for variable storage to setup for future parts in this series.
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