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Tag: Software Development

Xojo Github Actions

Would you like to automate the build processes of Xojo built applications with GitHub Actions? With no user interaction the whole process can be performed:…

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Using Emojis in Xojo

Xojo has very good graphics support. You can drop images into your project and use them with several controls. You can use the various Paint events to draw your own graphics. And there’s another source of graphics you may not have considered: emojis. Emojis can be used anywhere that text can be used because they are simply Unicode characters. That means they can be used in textfields, buttons, labels, popup menus, listboxes and more.

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How did I not know this?

Xojo MVP Anthony Cyphers has been using Xojo for nearly 20 years and is currently building a User Interface framework for a project he is working on. This project needs to have the ability to tweak colors as needed and have those changes applied across every element of that framework. Read on Anthony’s blog about the way he solved this problem.

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Rotate that Picture!

Sometimes we need to rotate a Picture from portrait to landscape and vice versa. Since the introduction of the Graphics methods Translate and Rotate this is pretty simple to do! Continue reading and I will show you how to create a Method Extension for the Picture class that will be able to do that. This will work on Desktop and iOS projects by only copying and pasting the code, but you will need to make some changes to the example project for the Web version because of the need to convert Picture to WebPicture and back.

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