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Category: Tutorials

tutorials, longer instructional posts, how to’s

Creating your own ComboBox Subclass with Sorted Menu Items

The Xojo ComboBox desktop control is a powerful one. It combines the capabilities of a TextField with the PopupMenu. That means that you can choose from the available options in the associated menu or you can type another value in the ComboBox text field. What about getting the ComboBox to do things not included in the class?

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Converting Web Projects to Web Framework 2.0

With the release of Xojo 2020r1 comes the new 2.0 version of our web framework. While the way in which you build web applications hasn’t fundamentally changed, this new version is a from-the-ground-up rewrite and utilizes API 2.0 for greatly improved consistency. This means that the conversion process is going to be time-consuming, but will be well worth the effort as web applications built upon Web Framework 2.0 will be more robust, handle more users, be more responsive and have a far more modern look and feel.

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Top-Rounded Rectangle

On the forum a user asked if there was a way to create a rectangle with only the top left and top right corners being rounded. Xojo’s built-in RoundRectangle control draws with all four corners rounded, so that was not an option.

One solution is to use a GraphicsPath to draw exactly what you want. With a GraphicsPath you can use the AddArc() method to add rounded corners and then draw the lines for the rest of the rectangle.

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Starting Graphics with GraphicsPath

In Xojo there is a new class, GraphicsPath, that you can use to create graphics as a mathematical description of shapes and lines; ranging from simple lines to Bézier curves, arcs, rectangles, there are many advantages to using these! For example, as a class on its own, it doesn’t even needs a graphical context (Graphics) in order to describe the shapes you want to use, and the mathematical representation means more control and precision. Simply put, you only need to join the points!

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14 Days: A Beginner’s Gateway to Coding

It’s always a good time to learn something new! And maybe you have some free time on your hands now? We know our screen time is up this year, so let’s put that extra screen time to good use and learn a new skill – programming. If you are going to add programming to your skillset, it’s logical to begin with a language that makes it simple to learn the basics of programming. Let me show you a learning path you can follow over 14 days that is aimed at giving you a confident and capable to start to programming.

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The Powerful World of Delegates

Delegates are one of those advanced features you can find in the Xojo programming language, and it’s a really powerful one! Once you discover and comprehend all the flexibility you can get from Delegates, I’m pretty sure you’ll start to start using them! Through the use of Delegates, you can dynamically change the code to execute.

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